First Inside Look at Razor Coast

The above snapshot is two of the pages in the Razor Coast book. We have currently started the ayout process. We've included a download of a few more pages in a short PDF for you to check out at the bottom of this post. We will be revealing 2 more of these "Inside Looks" for Backers Only in the days to come, so now is the time to jump on board!
A PDF Treasure Trove
We are making some headway on this project but we still need the support of our fans, fellow gamers, and crowd-funders alike to make it past that final push. Several of the 3rd Party Publishers have offered their support -- and their products! -- to get this funded. The gaming community truly is a fantastic group of people. We are super excited to announce we are adding the following PDFs for all backers at multiple pledge levels (we will add them to the respective S&W pledges too, even though all the PDFs will be in the pathfinder version):
Add to Pledges $110 and Above

Advanced Options: Fight Like A Pirate
by Super Genius Games
The Malefactor
by Total Party Kill Games
Add to Pledges $150 and Above

Super Genius Presents: A Brace of Pistols
from Super Genius Games
101 Pirate and Privateer Traits
from Rite Publishing
Grave Undertakings: The Ship of Fools
from Total Party Kill Games
Buccaneers of Freeport
from Green Ronin
We've listed more about each product below

Advanced Options: Fight Like A Pirate
from Super Genius Games
“Damn ye, you are a sneaking puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by laws which rich men have made for their own security.” —“Black” Sam Bellamy, Pirate
Sometimes you just want, to paraphrase H.L. Mencken, to spit upon your hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. Of course, that’s frowned upon in polite society. But there’s nothing wrong with having a fantasy campaign where it’s a way of life, and characters spend a lot of time acting like pirates (or hunting pirates, or desperately trying to explain the differences between what they do and the activities of pirates). To help make such characters more interesting, here are ten archetypes to give a nautical flair to fighting classes ranging from barbarians to rogues. Also includes new equipment that could be of particular use to pirate-themed characters.
The following archetypes are designed for fighting characters in campaigns with strong emphases on pirates, swashbuckling, and seaborne adventures: Barbarian Archetype: Ex-conscript, Cavalier Archetype: Ship’s Officer, Fighter Archetype: The Marine, Gunslinger Archetype: Sea Dog, Inquisitor Archetype: Ship Hunter, Magus Archetype: Picaroon Monk Archetype: Seaswain, Paladin Archetype: Crown Privateer, Ranger Archetype: Navigator, and Rogue Archetype: Lookout

The Malefactor
from Total Party Kill Games
“Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny.” — Excerpts from the memoir of Talitha Shadowtongue, tiefling doom herald
This sourcebook comes complete with a killer new class and abilities, archetypes, feats, favored class options and the complete stats for the iconic succubus spawned tiefling on the cover—Talitha Shadowtongue.
Damned fate… cruelest destiny… bad luck… these are philosophical concepts that many know, but few are able to truly explain or prove. If destiny is pre-determined, inevitable and unchangeable, is there any hope for we mortals to set our own paths? What of those that seem to be damned by fate, always at the mercy of a higher power? Is there any hope for us at all?
It is rumored that some mortals can choose their own fate by selecting the correct paths as they walk through life. Others think that all of life’s events are predestined. There are rumors of those who understand fate’s cruel whims and can free themselves and no longer be slaves to that harsh mistress. I can tell you those rumors are true…
I have lived through perils that would kill even the most steeled warriors. I have slain many a fool that thought to prey upon me. I have danced with fate itself, and taken the lead. What was once my misery is now my salvation, and your damnation. I am an accursed, a doomgiver—I am a Malefactor.

Super Genius Presents: A Brace of Pistols
Swashbuckling rings incomplete without the fiery retort of the pistol: the shower of sparks, the flash of powder, the reek of sulfur. No self-respecting pirate captain boards her enemy's ship without a rapier at her belt and a brace of flintlocks in her sash. The genteel highwayman halts the coach with his firearms out. Nobles, sleeves rolled up, turn at ten paces. Weapons crack, and they vanish behind simultaneous plumes of white smoke, their fates momentarily obscured.
A Brace of Pistols contains rules to expand the options for black-powder flintlocks in fantasy campaigns that allow them, supporting the uniquely dramatic flavor of the pistol – the arresting jab of a gun in the back, the standoff, highway holdups, and the ferocious chaos of ship-to-ship boarding battles – as well as some unusual real-world firearm variants, and some new fantasy-based rules that mix muskets and magic.
All the rules in A Brace of Pistols work with early firearm rules found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat. Also contains the Freebooter's game Magha-Magha originally written for Razor Coast. Magha-Magha is "...a brutal [mini] game of intimidation, torture and....death that involves a captive, a chandelier, a lot of grog, a cabin boy/girl, a charcoal stick, a lazy susan, rope, dice and an optional cleric..."

101 Pirate and Privateer Traits
from Rite Publishing
Avast! This be about campaigning with the scourges o' the seven seas, matey.
All o' history since the dawn of time, thar be pirates. Julius Caesar fought 'em, and ta this day pirates be takin' ships off the coasts of lawless kingdoms. But here we be speakin' about the campaign traits of pirates and privateers of yar realm of fantasy. Arrh, they be dashing villains and heroes who live free on the open sea, with a parrot (or monkey) on the shoulder and a chest full o' gold, along with letters of marque. They be fond o' drinking and prone ta fights, out to live "a short life and a merry one."
Brought ta ye by the same landlubbing author o' such critically acclaimed works as 101 New Skill Uses and The Secrets of the Gunslinger, 101 Pirate and Privateer Traits provides ye an armada o' new options ta sake the thirst of the most fervent corsair while allowing ye ta keep ta yar vision of a character upon the high seas!

Grave Undertakings: The Ship of Fools
from Total Party Kill Games
“If nautical nonsense be something you wish...” Then hop on the deck and... explore the Ship of Fools!
The Ship of Fools is written by TPK’s titanic tag team of former RPG Superstar challenger Richard A. Hunt, and current RPG Superstar challenger “Mr. Threepeat” Tom Phillips. A strange seaborne adventure designed for the Pathfinder RPG, with scaling options for 4-6 characters of 5th-7th level.
Welcome to the weather-beaten deck of the Green Lady, a galleon adrift on the blue-green waves... but where is her crew? Where is her legendary captain, the self-exiled wizard, Vossian the Green? Set sail 'lubbers and find out in this, our very latest Grave Undertaking starring your characters as the daring scallywags destined to solve the mystery of The Ship of Fools. You're sure to enjoy this excellently weird horror-trip written especially for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and delivered in true TPK Games fashion. Brave deadly zombies, mind-control slimes, suicidal haunts, sharks, swarms of eels and maybe your own crew (!) amongst other delightful deadlies in this rollicking good time!
As a bonus, this three-hour-tour also features a wonderfully detailed 13-page, full-color battlemat of the sinking ship herself—The Green Lady! Print it out, put it on your game table and you're ready to set anchor! This adventure can be dropped into any campaign setting as a dangerous one-shot session, or as part of your bigger ongoing plot. Hooks are provided to get your group into the action as soon as possible, whether your campaign is already happening at sea or in port.

Buccaneers of Freeport
From Green Ronin
Set Sail for Adventure!
From its first founding as a haven for buccaneers and cutthroats, established on the pirate's code to attain an uneasy peace between voyages, Freeport has evolved from a filthy little town to a sprawling city of thousands. Yet in that time, pirates remain the most common and most popular of its citizens.
Buccaneers of Freeport returns to Freeport's roots and examines the colorful and disturbing rogues that roam the seas around the City of Adventure. Describing eight pirates, many new, some infamous, in lavish detail, each entry explores the rogue's history, his or her goals and agendas, while hinting at the curse that keeps them at sea and the treasures they guard. In addition, the pirate's key crewmen receive extensive attention, presenting them in all their cunning and brutality to breathe life into the thrill-seeking corsairs. Finally, the pirate ship, allies, and enemies round out the chapter, culminating with a campaign framework to help you build adventures centered on these various characters.

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