Didn't know if there was a place that wild spotting of the tshirts got posted. But here is one too (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ZaOqkHa1NsA/Uf-dlhXKZ1I/AAAAAAAAXAY/66115LJU5rI/w712-h402-no/2013-08-03+14.06.44.jpg) Located at the Bristol Ren Faire in Wisconsin.
Didn't know if there was a place that wild spotting of the tshirts got posted. But here is one too (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ZaOqkHa1NsA/Uf-dlhXKZ1I/AAAAAAAAXAY/66115LJU5rI/w712-h402-no/2013-08-03+14.06.44.jpg) Located at the Bristol Ren Faire in Wisconsin.