May 30, 2011
and lots of news today. Hex Crawl Chronicles part 1-2 go live this
week! Splinters of Faith 6,7,and 8, as well as our first Saturday Night
Special release- Hollow Mountain, arrive from the printer in the next
two days. Greg is fresh back from ReaperCon, and Matt and I will be
making a guest appearance at North Texas RPG Con this week. We look
forward to seeing you all there! Tome is in layout, UBAD and Tsar 9 are
next up, and us amphibians will have a ton of new releases all summer
long to sate the appetites of our fans. Black Monastery is in its final
stages of artwork, and is even cooler than I remembered 30 years ago:)!
will also be attending PaizoCon later this month in Bellevue WA, and
Skeeter Greene will be joining me. I'll be running SW games there as